Nov 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving! Today, I’m happy not to complain. I’m happy to just give thanks. I’m thankful that the Native Americans got along well enough with the pilgrims to share a meal together. I’m thankful that whatever they planted sprouted and grew. I’m thankful for sunshine. I’m thankful for seeds that know which way to grow. I’m thankful for turkey, gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy (it’s worth a second mention), naw mie fan, ham, salads, salad dressing, croutons, dinner rolls, butter, and pumpkin pie. I’m thankful for the farmers that farmed it all, the cooks who cooked it all, and everyone in between. I’m thankful for friends and family. I’m thankful for the telephone, the television, the microwave, the stove, and the oven. I’m thankful for shelter. I’m thankful for the knife, the fork, and the spoon. I’m thankful for the sun, I’m thankful for the moon. I’m thankful there’s plenty for everyone. Because I want seconds. :)


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